Legal Stuff

Is it legal to own and / or operate a Drone?  Generally the answer is YES. but it is not so simple as it seems. 
  1. The word Drone is used by the press, governments and many ordinary people to refer to the machines we build and fly, Technically they are  UAV‘s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). Drones are Militarized Aircraft, often with weapons or advanced sensors. We will not go down that road.. Here we use either UAV or Drone to to refer to a recreational, hobby or personal aircraft which can be a small Multi-copter OR  fixed wing radio control type vehicle.
  2. If you want to get to the skill level where you can expand you use of your UAV into a small business the you will be operating “Commercially ” and “For profit”.  These activities are NOT recreational, hobby or personal and you will require either authorization and registration or approval from your local government agency and usually 3rd party insurance to protect yourself should you be involved in any incident that causes injury or damage to others.
  3. YOU are responsible for your UAV safety and your actions. You need to operate in a safe location and in a safe way. If you don’t then look out,
  4. It is very possible to operate safely and considerately even in busy areas, But before you try that take the time to teach yourself to fly, to understand your vehicle and its limitations as well as knowing its reliability.  First flights need a lot of space!  Believe me on that one!!
  5. Use check lists to know your vehicle is prepared for EVERY flight, maintain it as if your life depended on it, Understand how to safely disable it in an emergency. Give this information to your flying buddies.
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